Voice of CommencisPodcast Series

Listen to our series to learn more onengineering, design and life at Commencis.

commencis podcasts

Voice of CommencisPodcast Series

Listen to our series to learn more on engineering, design and life at Commencis.

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Remote Work Experience of a Business Analyst

4 – Product & Quality – Remote Work Experience of a Business Analyst

Find out remote working experiences of our BA team and some extraordinary moments they have passed.

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How to Shift-left in Test Processes

3 – Product & Quality – How to Shift-left in Test Processes

Listen to our experts as they talk about Shift-left testing, its benefits and how we do it at Commencis.

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Software Product vs. Project Development

2 – Devpod – Software Product vs. Project Development

This discussion provides listeners an insight into the features of software products and project development.

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Graph Database & Comparison with Relational Database

1 – Devpod – Graph Database & Comparison with Relational Database

Tune in to our podcast to learn more about graph databases, and find out the comparison with the relational database.

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